Health and Safety Guidelines
The safety of our audiences, staff, volunteers, and performers is our top priority.
To keep everyone as safe as possible,
we will no longer be requiring face masks for all who enter the theater.
While masks are no longer required, they are strongly encouraged in the theater
Venue Information
Seating Capacity
At this time, seating for all performances will be at full capacity (149 seats), meaning that seats have no physical distancing and you may be sitting directly next to other individuals. We will be sure to space audience members whenever possible.
Air Filtration System & Ventilation
We have installed MERV13 filters in our air conditioning system, with continuous fresh air intake, which exchanges fresh air from outside with air from inside the theater. We have also added an industrial roll-around Carbon HEPA filtration unit.
Cleaning & Sanitation
Hand sanitizer will be available upon entry and throughout the theater. There will be regular cleaning of frequently touched surfaces.